Fashion HorseKibbieTheGreat on DeviantArt

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KibbieTheGreat's avatar

Fashion Horse



*muffled pop music playing in the background*

Third installment to the mane 6 doodle bop series! This one featuring the equine that probably has dreams about clothes or something. Just a little series that I had fun with, each installment in this series was made in an hour or less. 

Multiple resolutions will be released in a zip folder once the entire series is released! Phone wallpaper alternates too!

Sports Horse by KibbieTheGreat Yellow Timid by KibbieTheGreat

Fashion Horse by KibbieTheGreat Magenta Pastry by KibbieTheGreat

Applejim by KibbieTheGreat Purple Smart by KibbieTheGreat


Image size
2560x1600px 3.08 MB
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OpalShade's avatar
I like it. Even when Rarity is not that easy to spot thanks to the bright background