Kiaun on DeviantArt

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Kiaun's avatar

A Mysterious Light



Prophecy of the Circle themed commission for :iconfoldo:

Prophecy of the Circle is a webcomic, you can read it here:
Longer description about this picture can be found here:
I tried a different software to paint this commission, Firealpaca for mac, it's far from perfect... it's still buggy and close itself several times, but it was useful to achieve something different-looking, since I had to paint using it's tools. later on finished on PS. fun picture to draw... I thought I wouldn't make it on time!

Character (Jarhd Ardeana ) and all belong to :icontalon-serena: author of Prophecy of the Circle
Image size
1980x1090px 813.15 KB
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Micasr's avatar
looks pretty awesome man!