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Claire: Crème!

Crème: Claire! You're back! *runs over to Claire*

Claire: *hugs Crème* I missed you!

Crème: I missed you too! How's Ponyville?

Claire: It's okay. I made some new friends.

Crème: Really? That's good. So how come you're out here?

Claire: My mom's on a little business trip and she let me tag along since I'm on break already.

Crème: Lucky. I'm still finishing up finals.

Claire: Is that what all those books are for?

Crème: Yeah. I was just about to leave the city for a bit to study.

Claire: You go all the way outside of city walls to study?

Crème: Mmhm. I like the outdoors a lot more. Wanna come with me?

Claire: Sure!

Claire: It's so nice out here. Still looks the same

Crème: It's my favorite place to come to. You can see everything.

Claire: *sits over by Crème* How's your studying coming?

Crème: It's okay. Pretty easy for the most part. I'm just stuck on this one problem.

Claire: *looks in her book* Woah. How do you read that??? It's like a different language!

Crème: Well, I am in accelerated math. Way more challenging than that easy algebra stuff.

Claire: Y-yeah.... easy.....

Crème: I really am stuck on this problem though. Been a while since a problem has stumped me.

Claire: How about you take a break for a minute? Give your brain a breather.

Crème: Well I–

Claire: *starts tugging at Crème's ear* C'mooooon

Crème: *giggles* Hey!

Claire: *runs away and gets in a playing position*

Crème: *gallops over to Claire and tackles her* Gotcha

Claire: *flips Crème over* Nope!

Crème: No fair, you're a dragon *giggles*

Claire: *tackles Crème and nips at her*

Crème: Hahaha! Claire! That tickles!

Claire: *freezes up and jumps off of Crème*

Crème: Hm? Claire what's wrong?

Claire: *backs away from Crème*

Crème: You okay are you hurt?

Claire: Am I hurt? A-are you hurt?

Crème: No, why? *feels a warm liquid dripping down her neck*

Claire: I-I hurt you...

Crème: *stands up* Oh, Claire, I'm fine. It's just a little blood.

Claire: *scuttles behind the tree*

Crème: Claire, please don't feel bad. I know you didn't mean it. We were just playing.

Claire: I'm sorry Crème, I'm so, so sorry!

Crème: It's fine. I'm fine.

Claire: Why can't I just be normal? I'm a monster!

Crème: No you're not. Look. I stopped bleeding! Can we keep playing? Please?

Claire: But what if I hurt you again? What if it's worse? I'm dangerous...

Crème: ............. *plops on the grass and sniffles*

Claire: *peeks out from the tree* Crème?

Crème: Please, can we just play? I really missed you Claire. You're my only friend......

Claire: What? What do you mean?

Crème: I haven't made any real friends since you left. All the ponies that try to be my friends are so mean and when I try to make other friends, they think I'm stuck up and mean too.

Claire: *comes out from behind the tree* Crème..........

Crème: It's really lonely all the time. Especially with my parents always working. That's why I come out here....... just to get away.

Claire: ................. I'm sorry.

Crème: It's not your fault. Just please..... don't leave....

Claire: I-I have to Crème. I live in Ponyville now...

Crème: I mean.... don't stop being my friend.

Claire: I'd never Crème! I promise!

Crème: *smiles* Thanks...... And promise that you'll stop thinking of yourself as a monster. If you think it, everypony else will too.

Claire: .................I'll try.


Just ignore the background kthnxbye
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Draconequusperson345's avatar
Crème: *Glasses fall off, and makes a o.o face* WHERE ARE MAH GLASES