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Angel: *gasps* Momma! Look! A lake let's go!

Amber: Huh?

Angel: *runs away from Amber*

Amber: A-Angel wait! *chases after her*

Angel: *jumps in the lake and giggles*

Amber: *abruptly stops at the lake shore*

Angel: Come in Momma! The water's super nice

Amber: A-Angel, you should get out of there.

Angel: Aw, how come?

Amber: Water is dangerous. And I don't feel comfortable having you in the water without anypony else around....

Angel: You're here!

Amber: Y-yeah but..... I........ um.....

Angel: Are you okay, Momma?

Amber: Angel please come out. If something happens, I won't be able to save you

Angel: Yeah you could! You're a doctor!

Amber: No I mean......... A-Angel I can't swim.

Angel: ...... you can't?

Amber: *shakes head*

Angel: Oh..... well you could learn now.

Amber: I don't think that's a good idea

Angel: *dives underwater*

Amber: *has a mini heart attack*  ANGEL! *steps in the water*

Angel: *pops up to the surface* It's really shallow Momma. You could stand up over here.

Amber: What about you?

Angel: I'm a pegasus! I can float if I spread out my wings see?

Amber: Um......... *starts to shake a bit*

Angel: It's okay, Momma *starts swimming back to shore*

Amber: N-nono... I just need a second......

Angel: *smiles* You can do it!

Amber: *slowly steps in the water holding her breath the whole time*

Angel: Now just paddle your legs really hard!

Amber: *nods and starts paddling to Angel*

Angel: Almost there Mom!

Amber: *finally makes it to Angel*

Angel: You did it Momma!

Amber: *nods*

Angel: *giggles* You don't hafta hold your breath if you're not underwater!

Amber: *exhales and puts hooves on the ground* R-right *chuckles* That.... that wasn't so bad

Angel: *hugs Amber* I'm super proud of you Momma

Amber: *smiles* Thanks sweetie


For real tho, how do you background?
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© 2015 - 2025 kianamai
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Protator's avatar

I usually don't give a damn about OCs, don't even know how I got here.

But this is too good to ignore.

Their poses and anatomy, expressions, the depth effect of the underwater bg ... very well done. The dialogue's heartwarming too.