Orphanagekianamai on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kianamai/art/Orphanage-544672585kianamai

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Hot Head: *sniffling all alone*

Annie: Lucky, who is that? Is he new?

Lucky: I think so. Should we say hi?

Annie: *shakes head* 

Green Bow: I think you two should go say hi. He looks like he could use some new friends.

Lucky: *turns around* Hi Mrs. Green.

Green Bow: *smiles* Hello.

Annie: *walks up to Green Bow* Mrs. Green, who is that colt who's crying?

Green Bow: His name is Hot Head. He just got dropped off this morning.

Annie: Really? Is that why he's sad?

Green Bow: Mmhm. I tried to make him feel better but he wanted me to leave him alone. I think he'd really like it if he could talk to some kids who have been here for a while. You know, show him that it's not so bad here.

Annie: *ears fall* But he sounds sad.

Green Bow: You should cheer him up.

Annie: ............

Green Bow: Should I get Amber?

Lucky: Yeah! Amber will know what to do.

Green Bow: Alright. *giggles* She might still be asleep.

Annie: Asleep? But it's almost lunch time

Green Bow: She was up helping taking care of one of the newborns last night.

Amber: Are you talking about me?

Green Bow: Ah, Amber, I was just coming to get you.

Amber: What for?

Green Bow: *points to Hot Head*

Amber: *gasps* Is he new?

Green Bow: He sure is.

Amber: C'mon Annie and Lucky! Let's go say hi!

Lucky: Okay!

Annie: *brushes up next to Amber and follows her*

Amber: *walks up behind Hot Head and taps his back*

Hot Head: Huh?

Amber: Hi

Hot Head: *blushes and quickly wipes up tears* H-hi

Amber: My name's Amber. You?

Hot Head: H-Hot Head.

Amber: Nice to meet you! This is Lucky Star and this is Anthea.

Lucky: Hello

Annie: *waves from behind Amber*

Amber: Whoa! How'd you get your cast?

Hot Head: I was trying to fly....... so I jumped out of a tree....

Lucky: Out of a tree???

Hot Head: Y-yeah.

Amber: Was anypony around to help you?

Hot Head: My...... mommy was there. And so was my daddy.

Amber: How come you didn't fly with them?

Hot Head: They're both earth ponies.

Amber: Oh, that makes sense. *giggles* You must've really wanted to fly, huh?

Hot Head: Yeah.

Amber: Tell you what, when you get that cast off, I'll help you fly.

Hot Head: Really? But you're an earth pony...

Amber: I have my ways

Lucky: She's really good! One of the foals she helped last time flew over that chair over there!

Hot Head: Whoa, cool

Amber: So Hot Head, do you wanna play with us? We can show you where all the toys are.

Hot Head: It's okay. I'm just gonna wait.

Amber: Wait? Wait for what?

Hot Head: My mommy. She said she'd come back for me.

Amber: ................. d-did she say when?

Hot Head: Umm........... no........

Amber: Hot Head...... I don't.......... I don't think.....

Hot Head: ?

Amber: I-I don't think you should wait around. You should come play! Time goes faster when you're having fun *smiles*

Hot Head: Mmmmm..... okay

Lucky: Yay! I'll show you all the good toys!

Hot Head: Mmkay

Amber: The play room's over here!

Hot Head: ....................... Amber?

Amber: Mmhm?

Hot Head: Did your mommy and daddy say they'd come back for you?

Amber: *lowers head* ................... yeah. He did.

Hot Head: When'd you get here?

Amber: ........ three years ago.

Hot Head: Three? Do your mommy and daddy just drop you off everyday?

Amber: Not........ exactly.

Hot Head: *cocks head* I don't get it.

Amber: I-it's okay. You will. But let's not think about that. Let's play!


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pinkiemani's avatar

thats hot head WHAT hAPPpENED to his parents