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Oasis is the oldest child of Annie and T. She's graceful, kind, calm and wise. Oasis is ridiculously mature for her age and is quite lady-like (most likely from hanging out with Grandma Rarity and Fluttershy so much). She loves and respects her parents very much. They raised her VERY well. She's always helping others out and being polite.This is especially true with her mother who she cares for deeply. However, Oasis does have a wild side. This side only comes out around her Aunty Nidra who she IDOLIZES. She learned most of her flying from the young princess being that the both of them are built similarly (T wasn't the best flying coach for her since he's so huge). She and Nidra often go out on dangerous adventures together (and don't tell T and Annie who would probably worry to death).
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3000x3000px 628.96 KB
© 2014 - 2025 kianamai
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Love it does she have a love interest if not she will be perfect for my next gen character Chaotic Shield, son of Fluttershy and Discord I have not post him if she have a love interest Oasis and Chaotic Shield will be just friends