Next Generation: Turquoise Blitzkianamai on DeviantArt

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Next Generation: Turquoise Blitz



Name: Turquoise Blitz

Nicknames: T

Parents: Rarity, Spike

Place of Birth: Canterlot

Place of Residence: Carousel Boutique

General bio:
Turquoise Blitz is a dragon/pony hybrid. He tends to be more on the quiet side and lets his sister do the talking. However when his loved ones are threatened in any way his general personality does a complete 180. Of course, he won't come out and fight anypony; he likes to handle things with reason first. T is quite the gentlecolt as his mother raised him to be that way.  He also inherited his Rarity's generosity the sense that he puts others before himself and is willing to give up his time to make sure they are okay. That being said, one of his flaws is that ponies take advantage of every once in while but he is so caught up in the deed he is doing that he doesn't realize it. When T was young, he would get picked on a lot more than Claire was. He wasn't as "scary" as she was and was also very passive. He just let the teasing happen. However, he never let it bug him like Claire did. Turquoise is also very dense when it comes to love and relationships. He just doesn't seem to understand them at all. 

Spike and Rarity are very important to Turquoise and he loves them more than anything. He is always helping out his mother at Carousel Boutique especially with tasks that could use claws. He'd model for her if he had to (and if any of the clothes fit).  Though he may seem like a momma's boy, he is actually very close to Spike. They definitely relate more being that he's slightly more dragon-like. 

Turquoise and Claire are incredibly close as siblings. They wouldn't be able to live without each other. Though Claire is older, Turquoise tends to be a little more mature in certain situations and often holds her back from doing something she could get in trouble for.  They spend a lot of time with each other. 

Other than his family, Anthea is by far the most important pony to Turquoise. She was his first and best friend after Claire. They met when he moved to Ponyville on his first day of school. She was very accepting of who he was and he was very accepting of her. The grew up side by side and for the longest time everypony assumed they were a couple. Even Anthea. T seemed to be the last to know. Even after they became an official couple T still got very flustered around her. He also serves as a guide for her since she's blind. This is another reason why they (almost literally) grew up side by side. He usually has his wing over her back while they're walking together. 

Nidra is another good friend of T's. He thinks of her like that but she likes to think they are more than just friends. Of course, T is totally oblivious to the fact that she likes him. 
Golden Delicious is T's best guy friend and Prism is also another great friend. They all usually hang out as bros. He and Del usually end up adventuring a bit or working but when Prism is there, there's no telling what kind of stuff they would do. 

Abilities: Turquoise Blitz is very strong which is partially due to his very large size. He, like Claire, can breathe fire, but it doesn't require magic. His speed when flying is also impressive. However, this is only when he flies straight. His agility and coordination is pretty awful. His big size makes it difficult to maneuver. T also has sharp teeth (not just fangs) for eating gems. 

Talent: T could very easily have the same talent that Claire. He even helps her out at her shop by sniffing out gems and digging it up. However, it's not his passion and what he really likes to do. He's still searching for what to use his abilities for.  

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© 2014 - 2025 kianamai
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Alex-1-2's avatar

In my canon, Claire and Turquoise are twins. Why? Because I think they're more cool that way.