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kianamai's avatar

New Armor



T: Hello, Princess

Nidra: Hello, Turquoise. Y'know you don't have to call me that

T: My bad. But hey, check it out! I got some new armor. What do you think?

Nidra: *turns around to look* *pomf*

T: Oh

Nidra: I-I'm sorry o////o

T: Hah, it's alright.  Guess that means you like it?

Nidra: *nods*

Get it together Nidra

More "what ifs".  What if T finally joined the guard after many, many years (to protect his good friend Nidra as well as others)? Also, what if Nidra started acting strangely and awkward around T after Annie passed away?

EDIT: Seems like some of my newer watchers aren't quite familiar with T and Nidra's story XP So, I'll start you off here… I'm sorry, my characters are very hard to keep up with unless you've been around since the beginning XD
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angelicheart27's avatar

they're so adorable togheter! one of the best ships ever made by kianamai! <3