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Like Her



This image is referenced Consolation by kilala97

Oasis and Nidra are both rlly old in this image XD


Oasis: *knocks on door* Aunty Nidra? Are you in there?

Nidra: Oasis? *opens door with her magic from her bed*

Oasis: Hi *smiles*

Nidra: What are you doing here?

Oasis: Checking in. You look really tired. Have you been okay? 

Nidra: Just fine. Why do you ask?

Oasis: I haven't seen you in a really long time.

Nidra: Well, I am a princess. I'm just busy these days.

Oasis: Busy what? Sitting in your room not getting sleep?

Nidra: You don't know what I've been doing.

Oasis: But I do know that it's really unlike you to not visit us in Ponyville. Aunty, I know something's wrong. You can tell me *hops on the bed and puts her head under Nidra's chin*

Nidra: *lets out a stifled sigh*

Oasis: ................................................. Is it about mom?

Nidra: ...................

Oasis: Dad's been moping around too.

Nidra: ...............................

Oasis: Do you want to talk about it?

Nidra: What's there to talk about? I just...... miss her.......... a lot.

Oasis: We all miss her. But mom wouldn't like to see you sulking all alone like this. That's what you told my dad right?

Nidra: He told you about that?

Oasis: *nods* It was all pretty good advice but y'know..... it's okay to be sad. You don't have to hide it. It will only hurt more and eat away at you.

Nidra: Tch. *starts letting tears flow from her eyes* I miss her so much Oasis!

Oasis: *presses her cheek next to Nidra's as she begins to tear up as well*

Nidra: I loved her....... more than anything. She deserved to live forever! I would have given her my life. My immortality just so she could be with you all forever. She deserved to watch you and Apollo grow and to be with Turquoise. She would have touched so many more lives than she already did.

Oasis: It had to happen. Mom lived a full life. Yes, it's really sad that she had to go and she definitely would have touched more lives. And she will continue to. You know why?

Nidra: *glances at Oasis*

Oasis: Because we're her legacy. Me, Apollo, my dad and you. She's still alive in all of us.

Nidra: ............

Oasis: But she won't be able to help anypony if all of us hide ourselves and her love from the world. Especially you Aunty.

Nidra: ?

Oasis: *giggles* Mom and Dad told me how you weren't always the graceful, kind and responsible princess you are now.

Nidra: *groans and facehoofs*

Oasis: What was the word they used? "Bratty" I believe it was *giggles*

Nidra: *chuckles and shakes head* Ouch

Oasis: Mom also told me that you used to hate her. I can't imagine that but I'm taking her word for it.

Nidra: You can take mine too *smirks*

Oasis: *smiles* Anyways, the reason I say that you should be the one showing the world Anthea's love is because, even though she loved my father dearly, I think you experienced her love in its purest form.

Nidra: How so?

Oasis: She loved you even when you hated her. It was unconditional and while maybe not "deserved" it was given anyways. It's easy to love somepony who loves you back just as much, but to love somepony that hates you..... that's a different story. The world needs more of that unconditional love. That unconditional love that was shown to you all those years ago.

Nidra: .................. when did you become your mother?

Oasis: *giggles* Huh?

Nidra: *sits up and cups Oasis' cheek in her hoof* You're just like her. So wise and caring. You even look like her. So beautiful...... *starts tearing up again*

Oasis: *holds Nidra's hoof*

Nidra: *lets go of Oasis' face after a few moments and falls back onto her bed*

Oasis: *lies down next to Nidra* Feeling better?

Nidra: Yes. Thank you Oasis.

Oasis: No problem Aunty *kisses Nidra's nose*

Nidra: *smiles*

Oasis: Sooooo.... earlier, you said you loved my mother more than anything.

Nidra: That I did.

Oasis: Like "friend love" or "love love"?

Nidra: *sits up slightly and squints her eyes at Oasis* What are you implying?

Oasis: I'm just wondering if you were only pretending to like my dad for all those years while you were actually having the naughty thoughts about my mom.

Nidra: OASIS! INAPPROPRIATE *shoves Oasis off the bed* 

Oasis: *laughs as she tries getting back up on the bed*

Nidra: You really ARE just like your mother!


Tried to make it a little more lighthearted at the end there :)

Oasis by kilala97Princess Of Slumber by kilala97New Armor by kilala97
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