Consolationkianamai on DeviantArt

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I don't usually make fanfiction by others "canon" but this one characterizes each character very well, nothing major that I haven't mentioned before happens and it leads right into the story that is the description XD So read this first if you can!!! It's amazing…


It had been several years since the last of Claire and T's friends passed and even longer since their mother and her friends did.  The two hybrids didn't take it well. They still had their father and they were also very close to the royal family. Each of them all happened to have a long lifespan or were immortal. At least they had them, but it still wasn't the same. 

Today was the anniversary of Rarity's passing. Spike, as usual, isolated himself in his cave during this time to just think to himself.  He was pretty dangerous when emotional so he tried getting as far as he could from anypony else.  Claire, who now lived in Canterlot castle with her husband, Illusion, wandered the halls that night, reminiscing. Claire wasn't one to show much emotion. T was always the more sappy one. But tonight, she was especially sad. She didn't know why. Perhaps it was due to bottling up all of her emotions for so long. She was so sad that she was even crying. Crystal Clarity. *The* Crystal Clairty was crying. It was truly a rare sight. 

Illusion, who was also wandering the halls trying for about an hour to find his wife, heard the sound of sniffling. He turned the corner and saw Claire walking down the large corridor, dragging her hooves across the marble floors.  He was confused by her behavior since she was usually with him, or T for comfort on this day in particular. She was usually a bit happier as well, which was most likely her trying to cover up her emotions. But tonight, something was different. 

"Claire!" Illusion said as her trotted over to her. The hybrid kept her head to the floor, just barely looking over her shoulder to look at Illusion. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," she said unconvincingly. 

"Can I walk with you?"


"I thought you were going over to Ponyville to see your brother today." She just shook her head not giving him any eye contact. 

"Is he busy or something?" She shrugged. Illusion was really worried now.  He'd never seen her like this. Not even right after her mother's death. "Crys, I'm worried about you. Please, can you talk me?" She finally looked up at him. He could see the pain in her glowing, blue, dragon eyes. 

"I'm just a little sad, okay?  Is that so wrong?" 

"N-no, not at all," Illusion replied. He honestly wasn't expecting her to answer. "I've just never seen you like this."

"Well, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you."

"You don't have to apologize. Do you want to talk about anything? It might make you feel better."

There was a long pause. Claire was debating whether or not she wanted to open up to him. She'd never really had to when it came to things like this. Then she began to speak. 

"I just...."

"Mmhm?" Illusion wasn't sure what to expect next. This was a new experience for the couple even though they'd been together for so long. 

"I..." she started, not knowing what to say in this situation. She was usually great when it came to speaking her mind. Not this time though. The words just wouldn't come.

"Yes?" She came to an abrupt stop and collapsed on the floor, crying.  Illusion stopped as well and bent over to get to her level. 

"I miss her! I miss her so much!" She shouted in between sobs. 

"Oh, Claire..."

"I- I..." She was getting so frustrated with herself and started crying even more. 

"Claire, it's okay..." Illusion said. Claire looked up at him once more. She was angry this time and her face showed it quite clearly. 

"It's not okay!" She shouted getting back on her hooves. She was in Illusion's face now. "My mother is gone, Illusion! You'll never lose your mother! You don't understand!" It'd been a while since Claire lost her temper like this. 

"I'm sorry! I didn't know what else to say! You weren't exactly giving me much to go off of."  Illusion was a good foot taller than Claire was but right now, he couldn't have felt any smaller compared to her. 

Claire was out of words once again. She started pacing and growling in frustration. Not getting anywhere, she turned to Illusion and let out a loud roar. There was another long pause. Realizing what she had just done, she slowly backed up and ran away from him. 

Illusion was about to call out to her, but decided not to. He walked down the hall in the opposite direction, occasionally glancing back. 

Celestia walked towards her room. She was just about ready for bed as it had been a very long day. Before she could open her door, she saw her son passing by. He looked very deep in thought. 

"Hello, there sweetheart." Illusion looked up. 

"Oh, mother.  You're home.  I thought you were still in Manehattan."

"My meeting finished earlier than I expected. Are you alright?" She asked, changing the subject. 

"Yeah, I was just looking for dad."

"Dad? Whatever for?"

"I was gonna ask him if he could talk to Claire to cheer her up. She's not doing so well right now..."

"Really? You where going to ask your father to make her feel better?" She asked raising an eyebrow. "Although your father is good at bringing a smile to ponies' faces every once in a while, I don't think he's very fit for consoling somepony about a loss." Illusion didn't know how, but his mother had already figured out what the problem was. 

"Well I was going to ask you, but I thought you were out still.  Aunt Luna is raising the moon and taking care of her other duties. And I was also going to ask Nidra but I can't find her anywhere. Though, she'd probably be even worse at consoling someone than dad."  Celestia giggled a little. 

"Why don't you talk to her?"

"Well, I tried, but she got mad and ran away," he said lowering his head. 

"And you didn't go after her?"

"No. I didn't think she'd want to talk to me. She thinks I don't understand anything about loss. And I do! But, I guess it's different when you lose a parent."

"Hmmm... is she still in the castle?"


"I suppose I could talk to her then. But it'll be to just calm her down. I expect you to talk to her after as well. This is something you must do as her husband, Illusion."

"Yes, mother. Thank you," Illusion said with a weak smile. 

Celestia continued down the hall in the direction from which Illusion came in search of her distressed daughter-in-law. 


Meanwhile, in the outskirts of Ponyville, there was another hybrid grieving about the same loss. He sat in a patch of green flowers looking up into the night sky. He let out a sigh and gently lowered his head down into the beautiful plants. He closed his eyes and a single tear trickled down his cheek. 

"Hey," said the voice of a mare. Turquoise wiped away the tear and turned around. It was Nidra, the daughter of Luna. 

"Um, hey?" He replied unsure of what the princess wanted. 

"Mind if I sit by you?"

"Actually I kind of want to...." He was cut off.

"I wasn't asking," she said as she sat next to him. T rolled his eyes. 

"Okay then. Is there something I can do for you?" He asked trying to hide his annoyance. 

"Not really." She simply replied. 

"Shouldn't you be sleeping?"

"Nah, I'm more of a night mare."

"So I've been told," T said with a small chuckle. She kind of was a "nightmare". 

"Ha ha very funny," she said sarcastically. "Well you're laughing, so that's a good sign."

"How'd you know I was here?" 

"Well, considering what day it is and the fact that this is the only place where these 'sleeping flowers' grow now, it wasn't really hard to put two and two together."

"Hm." T didn't know he was that predictable. 

"These flowers are gorgeous.  They kind of remind me of myself." T just looked down at the flowers. "They're beautiful, and we have a similar kind of power."  She laughed a little. "I'm assuming you came here looking for rest or peace of mind."

"I guess, but I don't think these flowers really work on dragons."

"You could have just asked me. I can make you fall asleep like that."

"Well, I didn't come here just for that."

Nidra looked at T's sad expression "I'm starting to think you're not just thinking about your mother tonight." T lowered his head once more. "Y'know these flowers remind me of Anthea as well.  They're pretty, delicate, and have a calming aura to them. Not to mention she had one for her cutiemark. Quite fitting if you ask me."


"I don't think she'd appreciate you sulking like this, T. She loved you so much and would hate to see you being so sad because of her." 

"I know.  But I can't help it. I loved her too. Maybe I shouldn't have."


"If I knew I was going to live this long, I wouldn't have loved her."

"How could you say that?!" Nidra said almost yelling at him. 

"Because, this right here, it's too painful. If I knew I'd have to live this long without her...." He stopped. He was getting choked up. 

"I understand where you're coming from, T but what you're saying right now is crazy. You're saying that your love was not worth the pain you're feeling now!  Was it not worth that much to you?" T looked up at Nidra who was now standing. She made a good point. "All the moments you shared and memories you have will last forever. I think it's certainly worth it."

"You're right. I'm sorry. I'm just a little overwhelmed right now." Nidra sat down and took a breath. She got a little more worked up than she would have liked to. She then looked at T as if she was telling him to continue. "I mean, how much longer am I going to live? I've already outlived Anthea, my mother and all my friends. I don't know how much more I can lose before I lose it. What if I outlive my father? Or my own kids?"

"......I feel the same way. I know, it's scary but you're going to have to move on and just prepare yourself. That's what I did. It's probably harder for you since you didn't know you'd be around this long, but trust me, sometimes moving on will help you feel better. Try not to remember what you lost, but what you had and still have.  It took me a while to grasp that, but I found that I enjoy life a lot more now."

"Thanks Nidra," T said with a smile. "I'll try."

"Great. Well, I'll be on my way now. I just came here in hopes of cheering you up." She stood up and started walking away. "See ya."

"Wait!" She turned around. "What made you stop by?  No offence but I don't really recall you being this... nice." Nidra laughed. 

"Well, I've matured a bit over the years and I guess it's about time i take some responsibilities as a princess. My subjects' happiness is my number one priority."

"Huh. That's good to hear."

"Also," Nidra started as she walked closer to T, "I always kind of liked you. I think I still do." She planted a small kiss on T's cheek. 


"Don't let that stop you from always loving Anthea. You two had something special and you two were very lucky to have each other.  I think she was the luckiest. I was always jealous of her.  You didn't really seem to notice so I just gave up.  But I still never got over you I suppose. Anyways, I better get going. I have a lot of other subjects that need some rest."

"O-okay," T replied. He was a little bit shocked and was still processing what had just happened. 

"Oh, and just to let you know, I'll be around for a long time. Maybe even longer than you. So just come by if you need anything from me, okay? Just putting that out there." She took off to the sky with her powerful bat wings.

T watched her fly away. Was she really trying to make him feel better? Or was she trying to get closer to him? He never really knew with that mare. Either way, he was happy that they had that little talk. He felt a lot better than he did before. 


Claire was in her room crying again.  Not only was she crying about her loss but also what she had said and done to Illusion. It was completely uncalled for. She didn't mean it; she was just.... frustrated!  She buried her her head into her pillow. Just then, she heard some hoofsteps come by her door.  

"Crystal, may I have a word with you?"

"Princess, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to ye..."

"Shhh...You're assuming things my dear.  Come let's go to my room." Claire quietly got up and nervously followed her mother-in-law. Was she mad?  What was she going to do?  Claire had no clue what was going on. 

They reached Celestia's room. "Have a seat Claire," Celestia said motioning to the cushion on her floor. Claire did as she was told and Celestia shut the door.

"Princess, I..."

"Claire, please relax you're not in trouble at all," Celestia said as she walked closer to her. 

"Yes your majesty."  Celestia plopped down right next to Claire right on the comfy cushion. 

"Enough with the formalities. How long is it going to take you before you start calling me 'mom'?" Celestia asked with a warm smile. Claire smiled back for the first time that evening. 

"Sorry... Mom," she said with a small chuckle. It sounded very strange to call her that even though she and Illusion were married for so long. 

"Well, I see you're in a better mood already." Celestia had such a calming presence. Nopony could really explain it. 

"I suppose so."

"Now, I know today is quite a tragic day for you and I was just wondering if you wanted to talk."

"O-oh, really?" 

"Of course.  It's not too often that I get to have a heart to heart talk with somepony. I'm usually talking about treaties and other affairs of that nature. Not to mention I have two immature boys that usually don't talk to me about anything other than pranks and whatnot."


"Illusion and Discord."

"Oh!" Both of them let out a little laugh. 

"So, what's on your mind my dear?" Claire's smile instantly turned to a frown when she began to remember what she was sad about. 

"I miss my mom a lot. And all of my friends, too.  It was really hard to watch all of them grow weaker and older while I was still healthy and strong." Tears were welling up in her eyes. Celestia's smile also began to fade as she remembered all the loved ones she'd lost in her very long lifetime. 

"It's hard, I know," she said nuzzling her soft cheek on Claire's. "I've made many relationships in my time, all of which had to come to a quick end, sadly."

"How do you cope with that? I haven't been around nearly as long as you have and I can barely handle it. Did you just get used to it?"

"Not really.  It's hard watching somepony go every single time. It's just as painful." Claire frowned even more at this. Was it really never going to get better? Celestia saw that the hybrid was taking it the wrong way. 

"What I mean is, you do get used to the concept but you are in no way desensitized. It is given that you'll feel some sorrow after losing someone you love but that doesn't mean you should ever stop loving just to avoid the future sadness. If you do, well, then what's the point of living?  Don't take your own life either. There are still ponies out there who care for you and you would make them feel the way you feel now.  It'd be a bit selfish, don't you think?"

"That's true," Claire said. "But that doesn't quite answer my question of how you cope."

"Well, I do what you were doing a little while ago. I cry, I yell, I vent.  It may seem a bit childish to do but it really isn't. Bottling up your emotions is not healthy so it's much better to let it all out.  You calmed down a little bit after chewing out my son didn't you?" Claire blushed furiously. 

"I guess I did."

"Makes sense. Though, maybe you shouldn't yell at him anymore. I think up you scared him," Celestia said as she laughed. Claire laughed as well. 

"I'll try not to. So what do you yell at?" Claire was starting to enjoy this conversation a lot. She didn't get to talk to Celestia as much as she thought she would when she married Illusion. 

"Oh, I would just scream into my pillow usually.  But now that I have Discord, I just yell at him. He doesn't seem to mind. I suppose he's used to everypony getting angry and yelling at him. I think he actually likes it.  That, or he is just ignoring me the whole time. Either way I always feel better after."

"Aw, that's nice."

"You can yell at him if you want to also. I give you full permission," Celestia said with a wink. "That's another thing. Family. They can help you get through many things. They make you feel like you have a purpose and are always there to comfort you.  I'm very fortunate to have a family now to help me cope. I remember, many years ago when I banished my sister, things were much harder."

"Wow, that's right.  How did you survive that?"

"To be honest, I barely did. I think the only thing that kept me going was my subjects' need for me. I didn't want to leave them with no leader and no way to keep the days moving.  There was also the hope that one day my sister would return to me. And she did. I have Twilight Sparkle, your mother and the others to thank for that."  Claire smiled a bit at that. She'd forgotten what a hero her mother was. Not just to her, but to all of Equestria. 

"Family is very important, Claire. Treasure them always. And the best part about our little family is that we'll be around just as long as you, your brother and your father if not longer.  We're here for you."

"Thank you, Princess... I mean, Mom. I think I'm going to go talk to Illusion now," Claire said as she stood up. 

"No problem, sweetheart. It's my duty as your mother-in-law. I'm sure Rarity would have wanted it to be this way."


"Oh, another thing that REALLY helped me cope was Illusion.  He falls under family but I think having a foal really takes your mind off of some things. They stress you out but in a good way."

"O-okay," Claire said unsure of what Celestia was hinting at. Celestia playfully rolled her eyes. 

"I think I speak for your mother and I when I say this: We'd really love some grandchildren from you."

"P-princess!" Claire yelled in embarrassment. Celestia laughed at her reaction. 

"You better get started! Before you know it you'll be too old!" Celestia shouted to Claire who was trying to escape the awkward situation. 

"Goodnight Mom!" Claire shouted back from the end of the hallway. 

Claire returned to her room where she found Illusion, who was sleeping on the bed. She jumped in next to him. He slowly opened his eyes and turned to her. She greeted him with a small kiss. 

"Hey, I'm really sorry about earlier. I feel great now. Your mom is good at comforting."

"What? Is that what took so long? I thought she was just going calm you down. I was supposed to talk to you. Oh well, I guess I can't complain.  Glad to see you happy again."

"Thank you, darling. We can still talk if you want to."

"Sure.  What do you want to talk about? "




Necklaces by kilala97

Woohoo! How about them feels!  This is just a follow up of my last picture. I hope you like this. 

I also dropped a bunch of new information in here like  T and Annie and Claire and Illusion being married. I told myself I wasn't going to do this so early but I already ship them so heavily I just figured "why not make it happen now?" XD That still leaves a lot of time in between for you guys to decide what happened between them.  Also, T AND ANTHEA HAD MUTHA FUGGING KIDS!  Claire and Illusion seem to be thinking about it. I DO NOT plan to design them or make any right now. It's way too soon. However, as I was drawing and writing this, I started to think that this would be a cool contest. You guys play me for a bit and design kids for the two pairings and the winners get to make a request for me. What do you think? I'm still working out the details but I think it'd be pretty fun :D  Oh yeah, and new T love interest? What????


It seems like some people have forgotten who Nidra is. Which is understandable being that I drew her once like a month ago. So here you are!  Everything you need to know about Nidra!…
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fnaflover01234's avatar

So cuteeeee I now have a new favorite ship