Current Residence: Western PA
Favourite genre of music: Broadway, J-rock, Country, 80's Tunes...Just about anything that isn't Hip Hop/Rap
Operating System: Windows XP
MP3 player of choice: Winamp
Shell of choice: Conch...but oyster is nice too
Wallpaper of choice: Captain Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, and the Infamous Stopwatch
Skin of choice: My own, thanks
Favourite cartoon character: Integra Hellsing
Personal Quote: "People who say money can't buy happiness never bought a horse"
Favourite Movies
Harry Potter, Moonchild, The Patriot, Phantom of the Opera
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Currently on a show t unes kick and loving me some John Barrowman and Idina Menzel
Favourite Writers
JRR Tolkien, JK Rowling
Favourite Games
Virtual Horse Ranch!
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS One ^_^
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, paper, tablet, Photoshop Elements
Other Interests
anime, horses, art, music, RPG's