ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
Welcome on my page!
Hello fellows!
I'm glad to see you on my page. Here, you will find my art and doodles : digital painting, fantasy art, mini comic strip from my personal adventures and my Pathfinder RPG campaigns.
You can share my work, comment, laugh with me (in 3 languages if necessary ^^), but please do not use them without credit. Just a link on my page is enough :) Thanks for understanding.
I hope you will enjoy your trip on this page and you will like my artsies! Do not hesitate to leave a comment, I try to reply asap, always, and it's a pleasure to read your feeds!
See you :)
(Lellone pour les intimes ^^)
Some news and discovery!
I don't really post theses days. I don't let draw down, it's all the contrary!
I spend my free time training on positions, on perspective and most of all : digital painting and backgrounds! That's a huge part of improvement. I don't post scraps and sketches on my DA page, but you can find them on my tumblr page.
During my researchs, I discovered great artistes and different way of art... so this time, I would like to underline some great artists or/and friends that would deserve your visit :
!SoufMeng ( SoufMeng is a great digital artist. Under his hand, the most fantastic things become real! I'm ver
Devious Journal Entry
Hie Everyone!
Some news on this journal entry.
COMMISSIONS :I updated my COMMISSION PAGE for viewers : I now have 2 version :
FRENCH VERSION (COMMISSION PAGE FR) <-- cliquez iciENGLISH VERSION (COMMISSION PAGE EN) <-- click hereI created a special mail for that :
Do not hesitate ton contact me, I don't bite :)
Commissionners :
~kyuuponut ( (done)
Slot 2:
Slot 3 :
Last time, we had 2 winners for my 10 000#entry.
The operation was a success, so, I organize a new one : the 15 000# entry.
Send me a note/mail with a screenshot of the 15 000# entry, and you will h
Devious Journal Entry
Pour toute commande, contactez moi par note ^^
Si c'est la première fois que vous ententez parler de commissions, voilà le principe : c'est une commande de dessin.
Vous faites votre demandeOn la travaille ensembleVous payez en avance après validation... Et je réalise votre souhait ^^
Lisez bien les règles avant toute demande (et regardez ce que je sais faire, ce que je ne sais pas faire)
Les paiements se font en avance, par sécurité.
REGLES---> Je dessine :
Personnages originaux (avec vos références), fa
© 2014 - 2024 Khaneety
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heyyy mais j'avais pas vu ça!!! donc tu t'es lancée?! j'espère que ça va marcher!