The Dead Queenkhaamar on DeviantArt

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khaamar's avatar

The Dead Queen



My entry for the "Fantasy Sci-fi Fusion Contest" held by the #Realm-of-Fantasy group.

I tried to merge aliens and a royal environment (typical of fantasy), hopefully it will suit the contest's restrictions.

I picked up an extra theme for this one which will be History. This piece is based on one of the most famous portuguese stories and perhaps one of the creepiest too: Inês de Castro. As the legend says the King forced the entire court to swear allegiance to their new queen by kissing the corpse's hand (she was murdered). I suggest you to give this [link] a read.

The piece itself, not my best I admit, but this wasn't the best of weeks and being sick didn't help either. Hopefully you will enjoy (: .


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© 2010 - 2025 khaamar
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Shades-Of-Lethe's avatar
So wonderful! You are very talented!