Happy New Year!Kezrek on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kezrek/art/Happy-New-Year-417497486Kezrek

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Happy New Year!



01 Bug/ Shedinja arrives first and scopes out the scene. Soon after, Surskit tiptoes into view.
02 Dark/ A Houndoom quietly sits down with its candle, when suddenly Sharpedo!
03 Dragon/ Dragonair watches in awe from a distance while Dragalge wonders what this strange, prickly, snow-covered tree is.
04 Electric/ The electric-generating Magneton and Lanturn have arrived with power sources for the tree!
05 Fairy/ Floette perches on Dragalge's nose to get a clear view. Mawile helps decorating the tree!
06 Fighting/ Breloom sits next to his rival, Houndoom, with no animosity. Pangoro is sooo happy for this season.
07 Fire/ Arcanine curiously observes the tiny Surskit. Ropidosh sos thaw Chrostmos traw!
08 Flying/ Uh oh... Looks like Fletchling brought a mistletoe branch! And Gliscor munches on a cookie. Will he share some??
09 Ghost/ Yes he will! Haunter stuffs his face with cookies. Pumpkaboo is the ~best~ ornament.
10 Grass/ More presents have arrived with Grovyle, and Cradily is excited to see everyone so far!
11 Ground/ Larvitar brought a new plate full of cookies! And there goes Claydol. Sledding. In the distance. It isn't slowing down.
12 Ice/ The freeze-loving Pokemon are finally here - Dewgong with its favorite scarf, and Bergmite with its favorite ornaments!
13 Normal/ Fearow soars into the scene with another present! The smell of cookies has awakened Furret from hibernation and tempts it to snatch a few.
14 Poison/ Scolipede wants to help decorate the tree, too! Nidorino's got a bunch of candy canes to share (hopefully not poisoned ones!).
15 Psychic/ Wish upon a falling Starmie! ..Oh hai Meowstic o_O 
16 Rock/ Looks like the cold doesn't bother Tyrunt and Aurorus - they'll brave any weather for this holiday!
17 Steel/ Brothers Aron and Lairon join the Pokemon Christmas party!
18 Water/ Tiny Horsea sneaks a seat beside Houndoom and Breloom! Meanwhile, Wartortle dashes through the snow, racing past Claydol.
19 Eeveelution/ Umbreon and Vaporeon have both arrived with festive wreaths- they must be excited for the grand finale!
20 Electric rodent/ Nooo, Pikachu dropped the Dedenne!!
21 Baby/ Mantyke happily flies by Starmie! Meanwhile, Elekid helps Magneton power the tree!
22 Mega Evolution/ Mega Aerodactyl and Gyarados are flying in with reinforcements!
23 Single stage/ Another sleigh-puller, Tauros, is here to help Ropidosh. Heracross is... helping? O_O;
24 Design/ Chandelure is being careful not to burn its favorite garland. Absol found Elekid safe and sound and keeps an eye on it from afar (must have run off to play in the snow)!
25 Legendary/ Kalos legends Xerneas and Zygarde want to wish everyone (and Pokemon) a Merry Christmas!
26 Starter/ It's never too cold for festivities- even for Grass starters Snivy and Bulbasaur.
27 Coolest/ Aw, Volcarona would like some cookies, too. On the other side of the tree, Zebstrika joins in the sleigh team.
28 Cutest/ Joltik likes tha treeeee. GOOMY PLS GET OFF XERNEAS
29 Scariest/ Glalie would rather not have cookies- especially on his head!! ALL HAIL THE HYPNO-KABUTO
30 Badass/ Mega Garchomp is a bit lost, but likes what he's stumbled into! Skarmory is here with a banner - but who will help hold it up?
31 Favorite/ Tropius arrives to Skarmory's aid; Happy New Year! Charmander says hi to everyone! Take care in 2014!

W/ :iconnanaga:
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GjoobAndSkarmoryAr's avatar

for me tropius skarmory and chatot are buddies yo