Key-to-the-sky's avatar


9 Watchers61 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

  • Canada
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • She / Her
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (39)
My Bio
Current Residence: Canada BC <3
Personal Quote: Im Curious about what my Curiosity will get me into

Favourite Visual Artist
Lathi (Tea-chan) and Akiladelle ^^
Favourite Games
Lunar, Final Fantasy,TOA, Kingdom Hearts, DMC3, HM64, Xenosaga <3
Other Interests
Dancing, Games, Music, Animals (kittys)

Mega Mooglefits

0 min read
My keyboard is messed up. I spilt a little water on it, on the numbers on the right. i fliped my keyboard upside down for 10 minutes, and it seemed like mostly all of it poured out. About 30 minutes later i notice my r wasnt working along with some other keys, and some would produce 3 to 6 letters. examples - my "p" is "e 'p30" Q to &nbsp;is "y,ku67t.li58r/;o49e 'p30w69[2-q58]1=" with q to y not working and for fun my first name - "y," My backspace went from working to being z to working again, so maybe it'll get better? On screen keyboard is annoying but with out i wouldent be able to type, but sill very annoying ;^; (this took ov
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0 min read
My Dad's friends took us out on their boat today. It was a lot of fun, we left a little before 12, drove around for about an hour an a half on the lake and then we pulled up on to one of the little beaches, and ate crackers and cheese, sandwiches and strawberries, and we hung out there for a few hours, watched their 2 year old son throw rocks on the air matress, and say bounce everytime, he was a cheese adict too it was so cute, cheese~ and my dads friend John was trying to catch a salmon that we saw when we where coming up on the shore but he did get anything. Luckly it was cloudy, we were all a little disapointed that it these clouds where
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0 min read
Im worried about my cat Vala. For the past two days she's been sleeping a lot. today shes didnt sleep as much went out into her cage, and played with a ball but not as she usually dose, she pretty much just watched it roll by. I don't know if shes eaten, and I havent seen her drink anything. in the past 2 hours she went to take a drink out of her cup on my desk (yes i keep a cup of water on my desk for my cats) but she just sat there and looked at it, took a tiny little lick but didnt really drink anything. So i changed the water twice, really cleaning the cup the second time, then they have another cup in the kitchen that i changed twice, on
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Profile Comments 107

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Thanks for the :+fav:
Thank you so much for your fave on [link] if you have some time please
check out my gallery too! I will definitely do the same. if you like
what you see please consider watching me. I really appreciate it, If
you reaaaaalllllyyy like it you can like my facebook page too
and i will <3 you forever! if you have one too you can send me the
link and i will support you too :)  thank you (im really really sorry if i have sent you another sort of thank you note before, it takes me a long time and sometimes i get mixed up >.<)
Thanks for the favorite on my Luna perler art. I worked really hard on her, so it's always nice to know someone likes it.
thank you for the watch key-to-the-sky!
Thank you very much for the fav'! :D
thank you for the :+fav: