Dead Bunny studios - Commission rules and F.A.Q.

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»What do we do?«

Dead Bunny studios make original and exclusive tattoo designs the examples of which you can see in the gallery.

»How much does a tattoo design cost?«

It depends on the amount time we spend on it - you pay for hours of work, not the size of it. The time we'll spend on it would vary depending on details you need and their amount on larger tattoos, as well as times we'll have to change elements if you'll get some new ideas. Usually, an hour of work will cost you from 10 USD to 20 USD (it really depends on what exactly you commission). Mid tattoos (elbow/wrist/neck) are made in approximately 4-6 hours. However, time and prices might and will vary from design to design!

»How to commission a design?«

First thing first, you need to write me via a note, skype, e-mail or other means of communication you might find on my profile page (I do not suggest comments, though, as they are easily lost). When we get into contact, we discuss details of your commission and its price. After we agree on everything, you send 50% of the payment to my PayPal or my colleagues Visa credit card and we start working over a sketch. While working over it, we send you sketches and you tell us what to change. After you approve of the sketch, we start lining and colouring it, and afterwards show you the preview of the finished work. You pay the other 50% and then you get an e-mail with a high-res file.

»What to write in a message?«

Basically, as much info as you can. Write how big the tattoo will be and where it goes. Talk about the main theme of a tattoo, main elements, colours and images you want. If you have any references, add them to your message. Be as specific as you can.
For example:
"Hello, Valentine!
I'd like to commission you a tattoo design that will go on my left shoulder-blade. Not too big. A bright octopus that holds brugmansias in his tentacles.А… - octopus looks like this, but with no 'wings' on his sides.… colour reference… - brugmansias look like this, only white with blue tips
I'd like the octopus to be more chubby, rather then thin. Also, I'd like to add stripes and/or spots on it, can you advice what would look better? How much will it take and how much will it cost?
Than you, Nick."

»How does the process of drawing look like?«

After we receive first half of payment, we start making a sketch. Occasionally we show it to you and you correct us on what we did wrong and what changes would you like to make. This goes on until you are satisfied with the sketch.
Remember that major changes into composition are made only on the stage of sketch. After the lineart is made, there's almost nothing we can change... unless you want to pay us for extra time. So be careful and pay attention on the sketching phase.
After we make a lineart and throw colours on it, you can correct the colouring: ask for slight changes in palettes, ask for darkening, lightening, texturing, etc.
When the last half is paid, you get a high-res file.


»I'd like to commission a tribal/anime/celtic tattoo, how much will that be?«

Unfortunately, we do not work in those styles. If you're getting into contact with the studio, we think that you want a tattoo in our own style. If you want something that looks different, you'll have to find another artist.
Unless, of course, you'll pay us three times more. Then we'll think.

»I'd like to commission, but I do not have a card/paypal! Are there any other ways of payment?«

Well, you can ask a friend to pay for you. You can use certain money orders: the studio is currently located in Moscow, Russia, and I'm really not sure if there are any methods of money transfer from your country. If you find out and want to use this new method, please, tell me about it in a note. We'll figure something out.

»I've missed a detail I wanted to change, and you've already finished the job! What do I do?«

As mentioned twice before, pay attention to things you want to change! After the design is ready it is extremely hard to change something. You will have to hire us again, and again pay us for hours we'll spend on correcting it.

»I have a design, I just want something to be changed, can you do that?«

Unfortunately, no. As with styles, we will never touch works of other artists.
But, we can redraw your design in our own style.

»I have a screencap/photo/painting/3D model of a character and I want to turn it into a tattoo...«

Look at the question above. We can redraw it in our style, but we won't correct other art.

»I draw and I can give you the sketch of something I want. Can I do it? Will I get a discount?«

Absolutely. Give us your sketches.
As for a discount: you will have it, but not a traditional one. You just won't pay for those hours of work we usually spend on sketches, so it'll be cheaper for you.

»It's not too convenient for me to pay twice 50%, can I pay in full?«

We split the sum so you will feel safer, as for the dead bunnies themselves, they value their reputation and won't just run off with money. You can pay 100%, 70%/30%, etc. However, we won't start working without some pre-payment.
Also, sometimes, if I'm not sure about the timing, I'd suggest doing 50/50. In case we've judged wrong and the design was easier (a.k.a., cheaper) then we expected, we'll tell you that you need to pay less for your final part.

Throughout the history every mystery ever solved has turned out to be not magic.

© 2015 - 2025 kevintheradioguy
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