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Allied Enemies LOV Faction Battleship

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This is my first spaceship concept art.  

It is a standard military battleship in my Allied Enemies story and plays a large part in the Anti-Warren fleet.
The League of Veterans (LOV Faction) assemble a large army to oppose Janey Warren and the Ray's of Warren who now control Earth.
The battleship fires broadside like old navy ships and can take a brutal beating from opposing bombardment.  Unlike most sci-fi thrillers, vessels in Allied Enemies rarely explode when they become destroyed.  Instead, holes riddle the armor of the ships until surrendered, inoperable, or rips apart due to structural damage.  Occasionally, when the engine core is destroyed, the vessel will explode and break apart.

I gave it a blue color scheme to match LOV and contrast the orange colors of the Ray's of Warren.  LOV uses military tech and have a hard edge, machine-like equipment.  Their soldiers have blue uniforms.  This further contrasts the rebellion mob style of the Ray's of Warren as they have improvised weapons, elegant ships repurposed for war, and more organic technology.

*I know there is some perspective flaws on the design near the front of the ship.  I didn't bother to fix it due to time constraints. 

I hope you enjoy.

This is the Piranha that fits inside the small hanger bays:
Allied Enemies LOV Faction Piranha by KevinMassey

See the LOV Faction soldiers here:
Allied Enemies LOV Faction Soldiers by KevinMassey

Here is a link to the ROW Faction battleship:
Allied Enemies ROW Faction Battleship by KevinMassey
Image size
6000x4000px 8.52 MB
© 2013 - 2024 KevinMassey
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wengaiden's avatar
here the tyi ship of black prophecy