i wanna just pounce on people after lurking behind them for hours in dark corners...lovely boys with long silky black hair, that flows with the rhythm of the music playing on and on inside my mind..."some of them want to use you, some of them want to be used by you..."
come ravage me in my dreams, or i will stalk you in yours...
the way you move, the way you stare, as if you know you want me, but wont give in to the powers you just cant help but feel...
i will make you feel me and make you want me, knowing you cant have either, but you try your damndest to just get as close as possible...
its eating at you, tearing you apart...
closing my ...
what do i like about myself? ask me that a few years ago and i would have said "absolutely nothing".
ive been through some shit, and i have lived through it.
i like the way i can overcome obstacles, when others say i cant.
i like proving people wrong.
i like how strong i am, that i can get the shit beat out of me by my x husband, then get up and have his ass arrested, while walking away with a smile on my face.
i like how i can almost finally see that there actually something in me to like.
i like how i have found something to enjoy and kept up with it, and it keeps me stable in my thinking.
i like how i was able to find someone who loved ...
Current Residence: florida Favourite genre of music: i can find something i like in practically every genre. i dont like to limit myself. Favourite photographer: rj schafer, because he takes good pictures of me. haha. MP3 player of choice: windows media, or that little cheap one i bought on sale at walgreens. Personal Quote: show off the good features, and hide everything else.
Favourite Visual Artist
rj schafer
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
the cure
Favourite Games
neopets, the sims 2
Other Interests
psychology, dancing, art, creating things, making my own accessories, melting plastic forks.