The Night Watchkethryn on DeviantArt

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kethryn's avatar

The Night Watch



I can't believe no one has already painted this for The Song of Ice and Fire.

The Night Watch, after the original. [link]

Of course, it has been done before - [link]

Frankly this piece has been a bl**dy nightmare to do, so I've flung it together to get it finished - it could do with a heck of a lot more polishing but I'm fed up with it!

EDIT: Uploaded a new version - I'd missed someone out!

EDIT 2: GRRM has seen it. And likes it. [link] :faint:

Woooo. And pheeeew! I draw a lot of fanart for fun, but most of it is cracking jokes at the characters expense, which could cause offence to the author!
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© 2008 - 2025 kethryn
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Great use of lighting! Rembrandt would approve.

You also made Ghost fierce and adorable at the same time, as he should be.