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Steel Dragon

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There's a short story behind this one. This is not the original piece that was printed in the Draconomicon 2: Metallic Dragons book, this is an improved version.

I sent my finals months ago so it's too late for the book but I've put too much time and effort into this, and used too many references to just abandon it. I had to fix those wings :)

I wasn't aware that its wings actually consisted of several metal blades, it was not in my description and in the reference sketch each wing looked like one giant solid piece of metal, they actually kind of reminded one, of mosquito wings which was pretty ridiculous but I had no choice, that was the reference sketch... So it was totally not my fault:)

My first version was approved somehow and later I received my courtesy copies and I found out about the mistake I made... Well, I finally had some time to correct it so here you go, enjoy the Steel Dragon with its proper wings!

©1995-2009 Wizards of the Coast LLC

Photoshop CS2, Cintiq 12WX


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1800x933px 1.77 MB
© 2010 - 2024 kerembeyit
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