Hi! I wanted to ask...I want to try writing stories on Deviantart too! How do I do that?
Good news - you're now up to eight fics with pages on TV Tropes (not counting a few others with scattered tropes but no pages yet; I'm working on remedying some of those though):
* ''Fanfic/AChildShallLeadThemTransformers'' (''The Transformers'' - Generation 1)
* ''Fanfic/{{Domovoi}}'' (''Pacific Rim'')
* ''Fanfic/EyeOfTheStormKenyaStarflight'' (''Star Wars'')
* ''Fanfic/MagicAndSteel'' (''The Transformers'' -- Generation 1 / and ''Sleeping Beauty'')
* ''Fanfic/MeetingOfMinds'' (''The Transformers'' -- Generation 1 / and ''Animorphs'')
* ''Fanfic/RebornTrilogy'' (''Star Wars'')
* ''Fanfic/ThundercrackersGlory'' (''The Transformers'' -- Generation 1)
* ''Fanfic/TheUnexpectedRookie'' (''The Transformers'' -- Generation 1 / ''Cars'')
Until next time...
Anon e Mouse Jr.
Thank you I'm kind of shocked "Meeting of Minds" warranted its own trope page, given that it's a silly one-shot written as a request for a reader. I guess it made an impression?
Apparently so - I'm not the one who made that page, but I guess the person who did so liked it enough. :)
Until next time...
Anon e Mouse Jr.
It's May 1st which means it's that time of year again and your special day is here! We hope you have an awesome day with lots of birthday fun, gifts, happiness and most definitely, lots of cake! Here's to another year!
Many well wishes and love from your friendly birthdays team
The Birthdays Team
This greeting was brought to you by @KatCooperWrites