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Greenhouse World



so young and so hopeful
we keep on flying close
the deafening scream of
nature as we touch the sun
the ghost in the machine
whispers this war is won
our bones break like eggshells
there's nowhere for us left to run

Cover for the Eurofurence 21 conbook! :]
Image size
1398x960px 1.44 MB
© 2015 - 2024 kenket
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Reminds me of the scene from 'The War of the Worlds' where the Journalist emerges from the wrecked house in Upper Halliford:-

"...I crept to the blocked window-slit and peered through the creeper; the Martians and all their machinary had gone! Trembling, I dug my way out and clambered to the top of the mound; not a Martian in sight!  the day seemed dazzling bright after my imprisonment, and the sky was no longer red but a glowing blue; Red Weed covered every scrap of ground, but a gentle breeze kept it swaying...and oh! the sweetness of the air!..."