My Little Avengers: IronmareKenichi-Shinigami on DeviantArt

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Kenichi-Shinigami's avatar

My Little Avengers: Ironmare



Third installment of the MLP Avengers series, Rarity as Ironmare. I had to think a little about this one. I even thought Pinkie would make a good Stark. However, in the end, I felt Rarity would fill the roll far better than anyone. One, both her and Stark are highclass citizens of sorts. She's talented in designing fashion, while Stark is talented at designing battle suits. And despite their uptight demeanor, they both care about others greatly. This just seem right. Now drawing this was more work than any of the others I've done, but I'm quite pleased with the results. And I made the colors more to Rarity's liking. I really doubt she would go with red.

Rarity own and (c) by Hasbro

Tony Stark/Ironman own and (c) By Stan Lee and Marvel

My Little Avengers -
Shining Fury- [link]
Captain Equestria- [link]
Twilight Widow - [link]
Ironmare - Here
Pinkeye - [link]
Rainbow Thor - [link]
Flutterhulk - [link]
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800x1161px 381.87 KB
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© 2012 - 2025 Kenichi-Shinigami
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Shining Fury: Are the legends real?

Rarity: What?

Shining Fury: The Iron Mare. Is She Real? And if so, Are you her?

Rarity: Yes, she's real, dear. Or at least halfway, but no. I am not Iron Mare.

Shining Fury: Well, if that's so, Mrs. Stark, We've received record of her going across the world commiting multiple acts of heroism and being in the face of some of our biggest missions. She popped up in our radar, actually.

Rarity: Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe it wasn't.

Shining Fury: And if I recall, she had something to do with the H.A.M.M.E.R Drone situation, Did she not?

Rarity: Okay, I admit it, but what does all this have to do with me?

Shining Fury: Mrs. Stark, You've become part of a Bigger Generation than you know. I'm here to talk to you about the Harmony Initiative.