DR productionKeNGZ on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kengz/art/DR-production-169420751KeNGZ

Deviation Actions

KeNGZ's avatar

DR production



range of products by me:
from left, we have the colorful,folded booklet.
then the cover of guestbook(in black)
and the smallest of all is the ticket.
they are all for the scout gathering,
themed: Doomsday Revelation: The Mayan Prophecy
it's on 16 June 2010
organized by the 11th Georgetown (South) Scout Group

photographer: Lim Teik Hua
who has a great photoblog [link]
and Canon 7D!

aww yea and of course, credits to alexiuss > [link]
for allowing his artworks to be used as the background of the booklet. =)
Image size
1024x683px 314.71 KB
© 2010 - 2025 KeNGZ
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