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Dark Siren's Signature Move



Beauvais Bouchard has been given the incredibly great honor of receiving a Flying Dragon Kick to the face from Dark Siren for another entry to my OC Signature Moves Art Jam.  But is it really her signature move if someone else made it famous first?

Serennia:  I stole the move from a video game character who stole the move from the guy who originally made it famous.  But I only use my powers for Good! :p

Art commissioned from :iconavionetca:

Beauvais Bouchard and Dark Siren are my OC's and this martial arts demonstration takes place in :icondream-havenda:

OC Signature Moves Art Jam info:

OC Signature Moves Art JamEdit:  Deadline extended to May 7th, 2019!!
Spring is here and it's time for an art jam.  It's my first time hosting one, so I am keeping it simple.  The theme is:  OC Signature Moves!
Action entertainment is full of them.  Guile's Flashkick.  Ryu's Dragon Punch.  Mike Haggar's Piledriver.  Wonder Woman likes to strangle people.  Kharma (Awesome Kong) has the Implant Buster.  Flying Elbows, Frog Splashes, Superman Punches, you name it!  Characters from comics, video games, pro wrestling, and action movies all have special attacks they have become known for.  
In the combat sports, Mike Tyson had a mean uppercut and you don't want to get hit by a Jon Jones elbow.  Ronda Rousey made the arm bar famous.  Mark Hunt has his "Walk Away Punch" where as soon as he connects with it, he just walks away.  Yes, even before his opponent hits the ground!
So for all of you who have an OC superhero or villain, I want to see his
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© 2019 - 2024 kenfusion45
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