Reed Waller, the artist and original writer of the underground comic book story, "Omaha the Cat Dancer", has started a Patreon account.
You can join the account and select a level of monthly (repeating) donation, and Reed will be downloading pages & images from a new ongoing comic strip project, "The Flower Chamber".
This story features anthropomorphic characters, and has elements of science fiction and fantasy story-telling. It is set in a future alternate version of an anthropomorphic USA, years after a major economic collapse. It takes place in a small city on the prairie that has its neighborhoods built under weather-protective domes, and linked together. Technology seems only slightly advanced in this alternative world. There will be a future of social and personal exploration, drama, joy, and sexuality. The story is centered within the House of Hathor and its reincarnated Egyptian Love Goddess - determined to keep the dark away with love.
Pages and images from "The Flower