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ToT Ch3: Escort Mission



For :icontalesoftabira:


“Ow!” Cried out Keaton as he rubbed a side of his body. It was a little awkward with his grip mostly on the heavy voice stone. “You did that on purpose!”

“Me?” Soleil replied. “It’s not my fault if you happened to be bad at following directions.”

“You said eleven paces forward and turn right, and take three more steps before going forward again,” he grunted. Normally he’d be able to spot a small cactus on his own. However, with his hold mostly on the voice stone he had trouble actually getting to turn his head certain directions and so his vision was limited.

“No, I said turn left.”

“You mumbled most of it, and when I asked if you said left you told me to go right instead.”

“No, I think she meant that left was the right direction to go.” A Riolu pointed out. He had been using some sort of chalk to light the way? Keaton didn’t understand it but hey, it helped them see. A little at least.

“She should have just said yes then! Saying right only made it more confusing.”

“Not like you're good with directions either,” Soleil mumbled.

“What was that?”

“Nothing. Just take six more step, then turn right for seven more paces and then left for another fifteen.”


“No left.”


“Dammit! You’re doing it on purpose,” Soleil pointed an accused wing at Keaton.

“See? Told you it was confusing,” Keaton said with a smirk.

“Would you two clowns cut it out already,” Darius said with a low gruff. He mumbled something on how he got stuck with these two. “You there! Reef was it? Lead the rest of the way.” The Riolu nodded as he lit the way and took over to helped scout ahead. Darius sighed as he began to follow. This was going to be a long trip. He could feel it. 


Tasks Completed: Accompany Chandra, Darius, and Lydia in transporting a Voice Stone. 
   Reward: 2 Scholars rep

Prev: ToT: Training Days
Next: TBA

So yeah, originally I was going to make this longer but I really didn't know how to make an interesting piece out of this task and got kinda lazy after a few days mulling over it. So instead I drew this nice little image here. I'm still not convinced with my backgrounds but I'm getting better than I was before so there's that. Plus I'm starting to get better with lighting as well. :)

Also what is anatomy. Seriously Keaton, you gave me so much trouble getting you to look right -_- 

:iconp101: Reef (Team Black Flag) 

Team App:
ToT app: Team Tenacity 

Story (c)Tales of Tabira
Pokemon (c)Nintendo

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© 2017 - 2024 Ken-the-Eagle
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Zero-Zivan's avatar
It's a decent entry even without further information! Just seeing that these two are still just getting used to a team effort is enough :D