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DANG it's been a while since I've uploaded to dA! :(

A few weeks back, I went to watch Finding Dory with one of my pals, and I distinctly remember marvelling at the scene where the rays are migrating. Dory & Nemo are just there, watching overhead as this swarming flock (fever) of rays swim by. It was something about that scene that was just magical. I remember seeing the concept art behind that scene too, and I'm pretty sure that it's that very scene which inspired this piece. An overwhelming beauty of repetition, I suppose. 

I can't put to words how excited I was to finally watch the film though. I LOVED Finding Dory, and that was yeaars back. So to finally go back to the cinemas and basically relive my childhood, it was so exciting and nostalgic at best. I've always absolute adored Finding Nemo not just because of the storyline, but mainly because of the art. Being able to see the ocean come to life on screen like how Disney/Pixar does it, it's just magical!

Some more of my work: 

the bitter inbetween by kelogsloops   We're Simply Meant To Be by kelogsloops   rest by kelogsloops
Image size
1277x718px 976.57 KB
© 2016 - 2024 kelogsloops
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