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kelogsloops's avatar

Yin and Yang



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I did this painting for the concept of "Gemini" last month, and it just stemmed this obsession for opposites, leading to this! I've always had this thing for the Yin Yang this idea just came to me to play along with the idea of "twin spirits", so making this piece was actually really fun!

Overall, it took about 5 or 6 hours to make, which is a feat for me HOORAY!! 


Some more of my works
Trance by kelogsloops The Colours of the Wind by kelogsloops Dreaming of a Sky by kelogsloops  
Image size
2429x2474px 2.24 MB
© 2014 - 2024 kelogsloops
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Ralinde's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star-half::star-empty::star-empty: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

An artwork based on a principle that has long being held in high esteem and adhered to in Chinese culture. This piece has great visual impact. I think your idea for this and the vision you had for it is of a high calibre.

I would have liked to see a bit more effort go into the collarbone area. The face is the focal point so it got loads of attention but I feel that there wasn't the right amount of commitment shown to the rest of the two figures bodies. Having said that, if you wanted that area to be less noticeable because the focus is on the faces and the hair then I feel probably too much attention was given to those areas.

Good detail on the faces of course. I like the choice of facial expression and the ruby red lips with the blue eyes. Great texture around the eyes and the nose. The face looks very natural and realistic.

I am not sure about the hair. It is a flat area which I think you may have done that way for maximum visual impact. I personally would have textured the hair as per normal and gone for a more subtle approach that way on the picture's concept but that is probably more my personal choice. I am also uncertain about the textures used in the background. In the white area it looks like shadowy trees but in the black it looks like old fashioned wallpaper patterns. The two don't really relate to one another but for the purpose of softening the artwork to maximise the solid impact of the hair area, I think it was a good idea.

I hope this critique will assist you in the future. I think this piece has excellent impact as I said and I am a massive fan of it. It is something I'd definitely think about having on my wall in my own home.