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FROZEN: Fear Will Be Your Enemy



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EDIT: Part II is complete! 

Fear will be your Enemy, but I'll be your Friend by kelogsloops
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As you can probably tell by most of my gallery, I have an obsession with Disney, and I'm still absolutely head over hills with Frozen. This is one 'half' of a concept that I'm working on, the other, still in progress! 

In the scene where she's told as a child, "fear will be your enemy", that's where Elsa gets trapped in a lifestyle of fear, escape and hiding. She's alone and she's scared and she doesn't know what to do because of that little misunderstanding regarding that warning. And so when she loses her parents, she's even more alone. That whole story of Elsa's past and who she is now is pretty terrifying, being alone and scared. That's what this piece is going to be about. 

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Some more of my works

   Yin and Yang by kelogsloops   The Red Hood by kelogsloops   
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2244x2478px 1.17 MB
© 2014 - 2024 kelogsloops
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gibbs615's avatar
As I always imagine this was someone who was TRULY in need of PROFESSOR XAVIERCharles Xavier :D (Big Grin)