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KellyDelRosso's avatar

Literature Text


                                                     icy fingers...grasping
                                                      the trembling lemon
                                               begging to remain unplucked
                                                  to drink in sunlight forever
                                                   the gut of transformation
                                                      the grasp of oblivion

                                             screams give way to resignation
                                                   surrender to hopefulness
                                                    desperation to excitment
                                                    giddy with the promise...
                                                           the inevitability
                                                           of light's return                  
                                                                                                  Kelly Del Rosso
In memory of Effie Lillian Dagenais
in heaven as of April 1, 2008
l miss you Nanny
© 2009 - 2024 KellyDelRosso
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InkGlazier's avatar

You're piece is wonderful, but this contest is based off of one of these three images.

Thank you for understanding :)


So here is the contest: Write lyrics, a poem, or short story inspired by one of these three pieces

1) By InkGlazier by Reborn-In-Color

2) By InkGlazier by Reborn-In-Color

3) By InkGlazier by Reborn-In-Color