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October 23, 2007
It seems on dA that people who want to learn painting can be overwhelmed with tutorials that presume a foreknowledge of colour theory, and most of the colour theory tutorials on dA are very technical. Practical Colors Tutorial by *leftyfro assumes no previous learning - it's nice, simple, basic, and very in-depth, teaching how to mix any colour that the average painting student would ever need.
Featured by bleedsopretty
Suggested by well-moistened
KelliRoos's avatar

Practical Colors Tutorial



Practical Traditional Paint Color Mixing Tutorial

I made this with my watercolors, but it can be used as a guide for acrylic paints and oil paints.

I had a very hard time with watercolors for a very long time. When I started reading websites and books on some color mixing techniques, it started to click. This is my small contribution to the community that will hopefully be of some value.

Update 28-10-07
Tweaked some readability issues
Gave some suggestions on other common names for the paints I recommended
Added a mini description on how to mix color progression samples

Additional Resources
New to watercolors? Check out this news article for some great dA resources.
handprint - an exhaustive watercolor resource
Don't know the names of your colors? try these steps and discover the perfect mix of your colors.


EDIT OMG a DD?! I am honored that =IBinsanity and ^bleedsopretty felt this would be valuable to share in this manner.
Image size
687x4250px 728.98 KB
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