kelipipo's avatar


Reetta Linjama
63 Watchers128 Deviations
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Artist // Professional // Film & Animation
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (48)
My Bio

April 1805
Napoleon is master of Europe. Only the British fleet stands before him.
Oceans are now battlefields.

A Finnish art geek and 2010 graduate of Capilano University's excellent Commercial Animation program (traditional animation). Currently I work happily in the TV toon industry of Vancouver, BC and draw comics in my spare time. I hope to work on animated movies someday -- however, anything related to drawing, painting, sculpering, or puns is close to my heart.

Feedback and critique is very welcome.

email: rretale(at)yahoo[dot]com
Website: Kelipipo
Twitter: kelipipo
Tumblr silliness: Accent-prone

Favourite Movies
#1: Rushmore
Favourite TV Shows
About 80 British comedies. (Favourite non-British show: Slings & Arrows)
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
#1: Beck
Favourite Writers
Wodehouse, Roald Dahl, Jasper Fforde, Carl Hiaasen, Sarah Vowell, Patrick O'Brian, Tove Jansson, Goscinny etc
Tools of the Trade
Traditional art: anything within reach / Animation programs: TVPaint and (ucchhh) Flash / Digital: Cintiq, Photoshop (for now)
Other Interests
You name it, I'm probably interested in it
Cloudscape Comics met the fundraising goal to have "Giants of Main Street" printed! Thank you to everyone who donated to our IndieGoGo campaign or spread the word about it.Cloudscape will be at VanCAF this weekend. I'm still deciding whether I'll be at the Cloudscape table or just wandering around as a guest, but I think you should come to VanCaf. It's a FREE event. It's comics. It's in Vancouver.I'm sorry I am now one of those people who doesn't follow dA at all, but work and comics are really busy.
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$10 Commissions

0 min read
I'm one of the artists available for $10 fantasy character commissions as part of Cloudscape Comics' Giants of Main Street fundraiser. (I ink mine, no colour.) If you want to commission one of us, please go here: Commission details page Fundraiser home: Giants of Main Street at IndieGoGo
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Cloudscape comics , a society of Vancouver comics creators, is ready to go to print with our sixth anthology, "Giants of Main Street". It's a collection of urban fantasy comics from a great variety of artists (including me).Please check out our IndieGoGo campaign -- you can help with the printing costs and get perks like books and commissions depending on how much you want to donate! You can also pre-order the book there. IndieGoGo Go!
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Profile Comments 78

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Hey! I found you through your follow on Google+! Thanks for the follow. I was totally surprised! XD You've got some great work. I really wish I went to Capilano for animation! ahh

I'm hoping to attend some of the cloudscape/artist meetings when I find time available. I have some friends who attend and they're always inviting me to go!
Hi! Well, you know how G+ is! I saw you in a friend of mine's circles (I forget whose though) and I really liked your artwork, so, =P looking forward to following you. And Cap or not, you seem to be doing just fine!

I didn't know you already knew about Cloudscape, that's cool :) Yeah, drop by some Wednesday, our "coffee & comics" -sessions are open to all and super casual.
Aw, I'm glad! hehee =) I need to be more active on Google + AHHAA!!

Yeah! I know about Cloudscape 'cause I have a couple friends that participate in their events. So do they have a meeting every week? XD

*also sorry for the late reply* orz;;
Yeah, weekly :) It's extremely rare that a meeting is cancelled but it does happen, so if you're coming for the first time you might want to check with info(AT)cloudscapecomics(DOT)com or any members you know.
Some weird thing about the site is that I can't really give critiques per se unless somone asks for 'em. S'weird.

Hey, Reeta! Moses here.
Hi Moses! No worries, it's not like I can't live without critique :lol: See you at the Grind!