Wise Old OwlKelciD on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kelcid/art/Wise-Old-Owl-386576782KelciD

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KelciD's avatar

Wise Old Owl



You can get this as a T-Shirt!

This was inspired by the song "Wise Old Owl" by SHEL. If you've never heard of them, you should give them a listen. They're a lovely musical group of ladies.

I had a lot of fun with the feathers. :D

This was my first time ever doing something COMPLETELY in PhotoShop CS2. I know some things (like my lines) could be improved, but overall I think I did good for my first ever fully digital piece. (Also the lasso tool became my best friend).
Image size
2400x3200px 524.34 KB
© 2013 - 2025 KelciD
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CrazyBrainz's avatar
A gentlemanly owl, indeed! :iconisayplz: