Somnambulist part II

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Kel-----Bel's avatar

Finally! Good news for those who actually like to hear it: I kinda got my computer up and running again.
Well, kinda.
It's a homegrown version of leftover parts from those computers who didn't make it. Luckly for me, these computer's were on an organ donation list and brought mine outta it's five month coma.
I'm still working on getting Photoshop running since I got a big photo shoot to go on come Monday. Some big sports thing down in southern Ohio. All I know is that it's four hours out of my comfort zone. Not a fan of southern Ohio--but it is scenic. So, while I'm down yonder, I am gunna try to get some real good farm and river pics---it might just be a nice change of pace for me from the hellish streets of the city that I call home.
As of late, I can't sleep for shit, work sixty hours a week [one day off! :pissed:] and have been creatively nullified. Now with the hope of a computer dangling in the horizon, I feel a bit more bushy-eyed.
Enjoy this round of featured artists, go create something great this month, happy Halloween, go Tribe, fuck the Yankees.



This month's artists really kept me in awe. Yes, I do love all the art I hang in this journal, but this turn out is really amazing---enjoy! :3

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Dark-Eyes-Of-Blood's avatar
Thanks For The Feature :dance: