Mother of the blue wolfKekPafrany on DeviantArt

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KekPafrany's avatar

Mother of the blue wolf



Gift for my mother's name-day. She asked me tons of times to draw her, she wanted to see her face on paper.. Truth be told she would like to see me drawing more portrait, still-life and sceneries, because she thinks: those are "adult art" while my usual themes and style are too childish for her. Well, not the same as what you and generally the site guidelines would define as adult :D

Neither her nor me were content with the portrait pictures about her, I am not good with human portraits - so I told her "I give up I can't draw you" - this was long ago, and with some time, she gave up pestering me for portraits. But I decided to try it from another view: She is my dragon, who always has been there, who I fought with and against, who make me so weak - and strong. Let's hope she wouldn't find it childish :blush:

I used technical pen, and for a small portion a white gel pen. Size: A4.
Image size
908x1280px 483.44 KB
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Storm-Engineer's avatar
Nagyon tetszenek a hullámaid és a felhőid! :) De természetesen az egész kép nagyon jó lett. :)