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September 12, 2009
Apollonian Wight by ~Keithwormwood
Featured by MidnightExigent
Keithwormwood's avatar

Apollonian Wight



When experiments testing the viability of tapping into the quantum vacuum for energy were performed on the Apollo 21 Lab Station, reports devolved into strange ramblings about how their conclusions were inconceivable to human minds. Before all communication ceased, garbled messages were sent to earth from the astronauts about their experiments revealing to them the "howling face of the sun." A rescue crew was violently repulsed from the station by corpses in the astronaut's space suits. Footage of the incident show ghostly images of tormented figures hanging just behind these corpses, struggling, but seemingly unable to pull themselves apart from their decaying bodies.

Art prints available here: Apollonian Wight art print
Image size
443x966px 103.86 KB
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