Keikoku147's avatar


Such Curious Things, Humans.
110 Watchers

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Traditional Art
  • Nov 6
  • United States
  • Deviant for 16 years
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (139)
My Bio

I'm a Furry! Basically, I'm a SkunKitty by name of Saiyu. Even though in my 'story', I go by the name "Itachi". xD Oh well.

I make fursuits and the like. COMMISSIONS are: OPEN!

Please, have a look-see at my website ^^ for more info, or PM me :iconfloatingheartplz:

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Current Residence: Wouldn't you like to know ;D?
Favourite genre of music: Japanese Pop or Alternative Rock, then again, I like anything that catches my ear.
Favourite style of art: Can't you see what that might be? D=
MP3 player of choice: Sansa ^w^!
Shell of choice: Shell? o.o The purdeh colorful ones?
Wallpaper of choice: Anything cute, cool, awesome, funny, weird, different ^^!
Favourite cartoon character: Way to many to list xD!

Favourite Visual Artist
Who knows =D?
Favourite Movies
Too many ^^;?
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
There are a few.
Favourite Games
Any RPG...almost anything >>
Favourite Gaming Platform
Wii, PS2, Xbox--uh D= I like 'em all?
Other Interests
Anime, drawing, poetry, music, games, television...some random things
Whatever that next word is. Sooooooooooooooooo if you Watch me; you may have noticed I don't upload too often xD if even. That is NOT because I don't have anything to upload <.< that is just because I am a TERRIBLE procrastinator. I do the same with YouTube. But more or so with YouTube because my stupid Windows Movie Maker always freezes and crashes ~.~;;; when I mess with it. So I procrastinate on trying to see what's wrong with it too. (I thought my Husband fixed it once before; but the next time I turned the computer on... it was back to doing the same thing.) ANYWAYS... kind of got off topic xD! (If someone knows of a way to have it st...
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[x] You have a boyfriend/girlfriend. (I'm married to him now; but yes.)[x] You have your own room.[ ] You own a cell phone.[x] You have an mp3 player/ipod/discman.[x] Your parents are still married.[/] You love your family[ ] There is a pool/spa in your backyard.T 0 T A L: 4 (and a half)[x] You dress the way you want to.[ ] You hang out with friends more than once a week.[x] There is a computer/ laptop in your room. (Yes and no, my den has the desktop; living room is where the laptop usually is?)[x] You have never been beaten up (Got into a small fight at school ((Wasn't MY fault D=!)) but she didn't BEAT me up)[x] You are allowed to liste...
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Okay...if anyone still reads this from me xD! I want everyone that does to know I am not dead...! I'm just really, REALLY bad at procrastinating lol and I dislike how bad I've gotten. Anyways, time to share some news on my end...since I've not been on here in FOREVER. And, this is basically how all my journals start ;P haha. ANYWAYS. Update with Yuko. I made her all up ... <.< did not get the jaw to move and did not get the digidrade out either xD! I am super horrible with that. BUT oh well. I will upload a picture of her later...maybe after this journal >.> so it's not like "next year" lol. I moved into a different house with my husband.....
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Profile Comments 610

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I haven't played it but I did some research for an Class which is an unarmed fighter since I'm an Martial Arts Fan and also my favorite if I played the game would be an Asura Monk but it'll take an certain special quest to do this!
Hey, Monk Classes are my favorite thing if not, than I choose the Warrior or Paladin at my character's  class' disposal!
Oooh, I see hehe. It's all good still >w<even if the character in drawing can bring the same happiness towards you!
You got a few nice classes at your lineup then x3! Very good!
*Derp flops from messenger*
Oh heeeeeeeeeeeeeey ;P lol, I wooonnnnder who YoOoOoooUuUUu could be haha. Just kidding.
^^ Yup, this is my da.
Okay haha, that's good to know =p! Now that you're stalking me here. (Should probably ... upload things, and not just type to random other things xD)