Loki Laufeysonkeelerleah on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/keelerleah/art/Loki-Laufeyson-538843021keelerleah

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Daily Deviation

January 5, 2016
Loki Laufeyson by keelerleah has stunning lighting that adds both elegance and a sense of eeriness to this character.
Featured by Lyricanna
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Loki Laufeyson


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I've had this one finished for some time and I figured it was finally time I posted it online.
I've been a fan of Loki since I started watching the Marvel movies and I knew right away that I wanted to do a painting of him. I wanted to do something dramatic and eye catching, but I didn't expect that I'd be this pleased with the end result. :excited:  Lots of hours were spent on this (especially on his face and costume) and I got the change to experiment with some photoshop blending features (to give the rocks a sense of motion) that I don't normally use in my paintings.

I have also posted a close up shot of his face and upper body on my facebook page (see link below) if you want to see the details a bit better. ^^

I have started sketching a matching Thor painting, so I'll have more Marvel paintings posted again eventually.

Painted completely in photoshop.
Pose reference: link
Multiple photo references used for Tom Hiddleston's face and costume design.
No Critique desired.

:new: I am now on Instagram:new:
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My Avengers/Marvel fanart series:

Iron Man Mark III by keelerleah  The Avengers: Black Widow by keelerleah  Thor Odinson by keelerleah Loki Laufeyson by keelerleah

Art © copyright keelerleah (me)
Loki © copyright Marvel
Do not re-post, resubmit or edit this picture. You Can't use the pictures for layouts, blogs, websites, myspace, banners, designs, posters, cd, books etc without accessing a written permission from me.
Image size
600x807px 392.24 KB
© 2015 - 2025 keelerleah
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