Kazziepones on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kazziepones/art/Einin-Headshot-566119041Kazziepones

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Einin Headshot



I was inspired by kilala97 and Lopoddity and their recent experiments with shading. I'm not very good at shading, myself, but I thought I might give it a shot.

I practiced a bit on a sketch my fiance did of Einin, then drew her again myself. I tried a few new things here, including a sketchy outline, and I played alot with layer styles, highlights and shading. What better way to learn than to try it yourself, right?

I'm thinking of maybe opening this as a commission style. Not sure. I'd love some feedback though.

Einin Wrenfeathers belongs to me, Kazziepones and cannot be used without permission. Please be respectful.

If you are curious about commissioning me for a piece like this, or other work, commissions are OPEN!
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MYOCStamp by ArcadianPhoenixMy Art Isn't Your Stock Stamp by Smitkins.: Read the comments :. Stamp by Beti-Kot
Image size
6500x6500px 10.81 MB
© 2015 - 2024 Kazziepones
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jahzi's avatar
Very nice! I like the design too =D