Crescent Colors -TradeKazziepones on DeviantArt

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Crescent Colors -Trade



Trade for frostykat13

I really like the mane on this girl.

The Commissioner requested that I include her backstory:

Crescent Colors is an antisocial bat pony who prefers long flights in the night to hanging out with friends. She recently completed training for the Royal Guard, and is now a personal guard of Princess Luna's.
Crescent grew up in Hollow Shades without a mother, because her parents were divorced. However, her father got remarried to an Earth Pony when she was five, and when she was six, Lollipop Swirl, Crescent's younger stepsister was born. 
Crescent earned her cutie mark when she was nine, after going on a school field trip and slipping into one of the rainbow pools. When she flew out, the tips of her wings and mane were glittering. A few nights later, Crescent was flying around, and suddenly realized there was a glowing rainbow trail behind her. Startled, Crescent halted and stared at the moonbow she had created. At the same time, her cutie mark appeared.
When Crescent was twelve, Lollipop Swirl came to school for the first time, and all the other ponies picked on her for being half-Earth-Pony. Soon, Crescent was also being teased for just being Lollipop's sister, and both fillies were miserable. Noticing this, their parents decided to have them enroll in the Cloudsdale Flight Academy Boarding School.
At her new school, Crescent was much happier, and met Flitter Heart, her first best friend. 
The rest of Crescent's school years flew by, and soon, she was graduating and had to move back to Hollow Shades with her family. 
One day, on a trip to Canterlot, Crescent watched the Royal Lunar Guard train. Immediately, she felt a click, and knew she wanted to be a part of that. So, so enrolled, and trained for four years until she could officially become a member of the guard. 
Now, Crescent is living her dream as one of Princess Luna's personal guards, and hopes to one day be promoted to a higher ranking position.
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1100x1100px 1.53 MB
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frostykat13's avatar
Hi! I have a quick question- could you please post her bio in the description? I'm entering a contest (for Best-Mlp-OCs) and this is my favorite image of her I have :3 I would love to use this as her ref, if that's okay ^^