The Sick Girlkazu-chu on DeviantArt

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kazu-chu's avatar

The Sick Girl



Uhh... I guess you guys can't really see the new style I talked about in my journal ehh? Ahahaha ^^; I supposed I drew it too lightly, that's why the shadings didn't come out properly. The new style I've been talking about is I've figured out how to shade nicely.

Got this idea when I was sick several weeks ago. I was looking at this bunch of people having fun from my window and I sorta came up with this sick anime character who was confined in her home and wasn't allowed to go out at all. Everyday she will look out the window and envy the little boys who runs out to buy ice cream from the ice cream man......Does the story sound corny? o_O'
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400x501px 91.5 KB
© 2004 - 2024 kazu-chu
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hokage6's avatar
That's so sweet