KazeSkyfox on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kazeskyfox/art/Persssssonal-ssssspace-318697683KazeSkyfox

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KazeSkyfox's avatar

Persssssonal ssssspace?



Creeper's Bad Personal Space Day :V

I don't actually like Conker, the "humor" is way too disturbing for me, but I did play a good bit of it because someone wanted me to. It's their favorite game of all time, and Minecraft is their favorite game of this generation, so I combined them. Amazing what inhibitions we lose when shitfaced on booze.

The image is their desktop size.

I have no idea if alcohol counts as mature content or not...
Image size
1920x1080px 1.63 MB
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Conkers-Pika-Cafe's avatar
What's awesome is that there's a Conker skin u can download on the Xbox Minecraft

Could it be possible that they seen your art?