Kayroos on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kayroos/art/You-re-Welcome-685954636Kayroos

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Kayroos's avatar

You're Welcome



They started it with #YoureWelcome and they end it up with a #Thankyou
Image size
3449x1984px 4.13 MB
© 2017 - 2024 Kayroos
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SkippysArt's avatar
Man The 'You're welcome tour show' was just the best night of my life seeing not just one youtuber for the first time ever, but 5. 5 of then ment such a great deal in my life. It just gives me such a warm feeling remembering how excited my friend and I we're and what was really cool about it. I made to friend on that night and I keep in contact with them to this day.