Doctor Who Nail Art - The SilenceKayleighOC on DeviantArt

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Doctor Who Nail Art - The Silence



A Silent from Doctor Who!

Just in time for Halloween - I've made some creepy nails based on The Silence from Doctor Who! I made this set along with the Eleventh Doctor/TARDIS nails [link] for Entertainment Weekly.

Also, I've made a tutorial showing how to make The Silence nail art (a cuter version) which can be found over here - [link]

Can't wait for more Doctor Who! Christmas seems so far away! :(

"Silence will fall..." ;)
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522x475px 30.76 KB
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danteELITE's avatar
Holy crap! You're amazing. I can't wait to show my niece your work... she loves this kind of stuff.

I just hope I remember after seeing this ;]