KassandraLeigh's avatar


883 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Photography
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Fancy Llama: Llamas are awesome! (1709)
Sparkly Cake: Sparklers make everything a party (18)
I Heart DeviantArt Gear: Proud supporter of deviantGEAR
Heart: Love is in the air, someone is thinking of you! (3)
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (1)
My Bio
Its been over a decade of Geeky Glasses Pride-and im not even considering changing it up anytime soon.

"Girls with glasses dont get any passes", That entire thing is just wrong. Kids in class getting called four eyed or just passed over as a Nerd-pft! Glasses can be beautiful just like any other physical feature.

Current Residence: Long island, NY
deviantWEAR sizing preference: XXL Hoodies!
MP3 player of choice: T_T i dont own a mp3 player*shakes envious fist at you i-pod owners*

Personal Quote: "Reality: Killing peoples spirits quicker than cigarettes cause cancer."

Favourite Visual Artist
Louis Royo & Kirsty Mitchell
Favourite Movies
Hmm...I could have a repeat marathon of Braveheart, Brom Stokers Dracula, Interview w/the Vamp., Dog Soldiers, The Messanger, etc
Favourite TV Shows
Fringe, Supernatural - etc
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Nightwish:Sonata Arctica:Lacuna Coil:In Flames:SoilWork:Dream Theater:Trioka:Apocolyptica etcc
Favourite Books
The Dresden Files, Anita Blake series & Bromm's Child Thief
Favourite Writers
I love Yeats' La Belle Dame Sans Merci
Favourite Games
Rift, Age of Empires , Starcraft,Black&White
Tools of the Trade
Adobephoto 7 , NikonD90
Other Interests
Occult, Drawing,Reading,photography,ect
I Know I havent posted much here lately...thats because iv been spending all my time on Facebook and Patreon(18+ ONLY)! WHO IS THIS BITCH!? Hey my critters! My name is Kassandra Leigh - {ArchMage of the Kinky, Nerdy &amp; otherwise glamorous Alt.Fashion imagery} For over a decade I have been producing photos of intricate alternative fashion, gothic fantasy and cosplay erotica. I eat shit and breath what I do! 100% self taught... I love to be apart of all aspects of the business - modeling, photography, photo manipulation, wardrobe styling, designing and even hand done drawings. In my off time I fuck off to videogames(Streaming on Twitch.tv
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I Know I havent posted much here lately...thats because iv been spending all my time on Facebook and Patreon(18+ ONLY)! WHO IS THIS BITCH!? Hey my critters! My name is Kassandra Leigh - {ArchMage of the Kinky, Nerdy &amp; otherwise glamorous Alt.Fashion imagery} For over a decade I have been producing photos of intricate alternative fashion, gothic fantasy and cosplay erotica. I eat shit and breath what I do! 100% self taught... I love to be apart of all aspects of the business - modeling, photography, photo manipulation, wardrobe styling, designing and even hand done drawings. In my off time I fuck off to videogames, anime and take care o
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**NEWEST PERK UPDATE - Signed ONE OF A KIND polaroid mini prints!**Patreon.com/KassandraLeigh For some reason we all have this idea stuck in our heads that an artist must resign themselves to squalor- eating ramen noodles and living in a shack. 40+ hours a week doing work should be able to pay the rent for anyone. It's not demanding much from a profession. Showing support in not just appreciative words, but actual dollars( even the smallest amount!) is MAKING A STATEMENT! Its changing the world with a ripple that starts here. A sexy Ripple. Yes. Ripples can be SEXY. Shut up. &gt;_&gt; Now maybe if my medium of choice was trash sculpture
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Profile Comments 7.1K

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A very happy birthday, even if we don't see you any more

I know you don't really come here anymore but Happy Birthday all the same :cake: https://youtu.be/7yq8SaRfNuk?si=E7RBElsCUG6FgfMk

Dreamup Creation By Vh62 Dgkh3fx-350t-2x
Img 20231211 215534

thanks for the fave

Seen some of your worrk, you look great in all of the,

You look beautiful and sexy even though I am Straight and Demisexual.

Do you feel comfortable with or without glasses while modeling
You are on my watch.  Love your lips :)