It's Always Something...

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Kayla-Ki's avatar
For everyone who I haven't talked to in a while.... I'm sorry.

My comp crashed and was out of commission for almost the entire summer.  After it crashed, I had to find other ways to do things that I normally did on the computer and it turned out that it was a really good thing for me.  I was able to get back to other hobbies, reading, writing, etc. It gave me a chance to actually do something besides working all day then coming home and sitting all evening.  Although I've missed my friends terribly, I think I really needed a break.  Now I'm back, although I'm sure something else is going to come up and pull me away again.  But regardless of what happens, I always return.

So for now,  I'm here and can't wait to see how everyone is doing and to get a look at some amazing artwork.
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Hajiki's avatar
Sorry to hear that, I hate when comps crash, it sucks beyond belief.