Kayla-Ki on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kayla-ki/art/The-Middle-of-the-Pool-54091237Kayla-Ki

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Kayla-Ki's avatar

The Middle of the Pool



This has been one of the most difficult pieces I have ever worked on. Thankfully, Vesil has been here to help me along the way, or it would still be in my "I don't know what to do with it" file.

This was created using fractals from apophysis.




I really wasn't sure what to call it or what to say about it...since I am not exactly sure of what I am seeing.

You be the judge...
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1024x1024px 222.7 KB
© 2007 - 2024 Kayla-Ki
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timetopay's avatar
To me it looks like a pool of water (obviously) with some kinda shiny thing. The red complex thingamagiki above the shiny thing signifies a dark entity; spewing out from it is the stuff that almost completely surrounds the shiny thing which signifies a light entity.

dark entity = falsehood
light entity = truth

The question is: "although falsehood has the upper hand and almost completely surrounds the truth will it overcome it?"

oops...sorry if I killed ur brain with all that ranting :ohnoes:

In the end I think this work of art has potential in it, its construction feels unique and all, but the problem is that it's blurred up...the lines need to be defined so that it can reach people ;)