Hear MeKaydeniro on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kaydeniro/art/Hear-Me-374287375Kaydeniro

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Kaydeniro's avatar

Hear Me



Hear Me
So. A lot of time on this. Hand painted all the details on this horse, because when I did my normal method you couldn't see what I was doing. So I started painted. Then, had to hand paint all the highlights from the fire. So much time. Thanks to =TheCallyBear, ~Eagle-Cry-Designs, =Schwartze, and a few others who put input in while I was working for helping me get to this finished piece. I also sharpened this to see if I could combat this problem I keep having with DA not liking my images and blurring them... because I swear they are sharp in photoshop. >.<
This is for ~DarqBDesigns only! If seen anywhere she's not using it I won't be very happy!

:iconbellemisty: // horse
:iconraindroppe: // background
:iconblueangelstock: // sky
:iconreincarnationoffoxes: || :iconmihaell: || :iconmarkopolio-stock: || :iconaltingfest: || :icontirasco-madawa: // fire

everything else done by me
Image size
4000x2174px 6.93 MB
© 2013 - 2025 Kaydeniro
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reincarnationOFfoxes's avatar
Thank you for using my stock image!