Metalik Glass for Win7kAtz93 on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

February 14, 2011
One suggester said: "Metalik Glass for Win7 by ~kAtz93 is a very clean and pleasant windows 7 theme that uses the aero effect in an awesome way."
Another suggester said: "Minimalism is jumping out from the preview itself. Metalik Glass for Win7 has got a good view of blurness in gradients, which makes it a perfect match with glass."
And yet another suggester said: "It's clean, simple & beautiful."

(Suggested by *emey87, *krissirk, ~SV84, ~hellishere-12 and ~pk1st)
Featured by OtisBee
kAtz93's avatar

Metalik Glass for Win7




Inspired from the Metalik SL by Julien Sagot

Some great screenshots using Metalik Glass :
[link] [link] [link] [link]

How to install :

- For the themes and the explorerframe.dll - use this [link]
Remember,choose the right file for your system (for example : if you use Win7 x86,rename the explorerframe (x86).dll to explorerframe.dll and then use Theme Installer to replace it)
- For the explorer.exe - use Restorator and replace BMP number 6801,6805 & 6809

Some shouts :

To =AP-GRAPHIK for his help with the system files things.I really can't complete this theme without him.Thank you mate :D

and ^Alexander-GG for making for me a special resolution of his awesome wall - Grungy.Go,check his other dopee wps and give him some loves :la:

Note : the system files i included in the pack is for Win7 SP1.So,upgrade your system before replace those files.

Note II : If you don't use SP1 or don't want to upgrade to SP1 until you get notice from Windows Update,take a look at evthan's explorerframe port for 7RTM [link]

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